23 February 2013

Today is the Day of Defender's of the Homeland in Russia and also in general it's Man's Day for Russians (Women's Day is 8th of March).


19 February 2013

Spring has arrived?

With the lovely sunshine lately I was inspired to post a link to a lovely animated series called Masha and the Bear - маша и медведь. This one is called Spring Came.

17 February 2013

Собака - лучший друг человека. A dog is a man's best friend

Some interesting news about British events periodically appear in Russian сhannel. Here is one of them about doggies.

15 February 2013

The sky is falling!

Maybe you heard that meteorites hit Russia today! You can watch the Russian news, or the BBC in English below.


8 February 2013

Metro / Underground / Tube

A couple of nice videos about undergrounds! This theme may not seem so exciting, but Moscow’s underground is famous for its beautiful stations, while Glasgow’s is the third oldest in the world. My husband found this one about Glasgow from the BBC, which he says is particularly funny at 1:04 if you like stereotypes! :-/

Today is the Day of Russian Science

The best young Russian scientists received awards in the Kremlin.


7 February 2013

Sochi 2014: One year countdown to Winter Olympics start

Taking place in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi, organisers say that not only are preparations on track but that the event will introduce some important "firsts" to the country.

You can read about it on BBC here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21040625

or watch in Russian