Student testimonials

If you are a student or former student, please post a comment here about your level of satisfaction with your lessons and any information that would be useful for future prospective students. Thanks :)


  1. I'm having Russian lessons twice a week with Olga at the University of Glasgow as I need Russian language skills for my current job. I really enjoy the twice-weekly lessons, it's great to have a tutor who not only helps us with pronunciation and grammar as we go along, but can also give really interesting insights into Russian culture. Love the links to Russian films too!

  2. I really enjoy learning russian and Olga is an excellent and very patient teacher.

  3. Olga is a wonderful teacher and each lesson is unique. I have lived in Russia as well as studied it at University, taking lessons with Olga has been a great way of improving my spoken and written Russian. Olga provides a structured lesson but is also encourages conversation about Russian culture and experiences (all in Russian of course). I would highly recommend Olga.

  4. Olga is an excellent teacher. Our sessions are intensive but very educational and entertaining, and we discuss all sorts of topics. Russian grammar is diabolical, but Olga is very patient and helpful in progressing through each stage. The use of Russian movies, sit coms and other audio visual material is extremely helpful.

  5. I'm a masters student at the University of Glasgow, and last year I finally decided to take up Russian. Olga has been a brilliant teacher - it's amazing how much ground we've managed to cover in such a short period of time. I've learned lots, and would definitely recommend her classes. Plus, they're really good fun as well!

  6. I've been taking lessons with Olga for a few months now, and they have been very beneficial to my learning of the Russian language. Olga is a very patient and enthusiastic teacher, and her lessons are always very varied and enjoyable. I would certainly strongly recommend her to anyone who is interested in learning the Russian language.

  7. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far learning Russian with Olga. From the beginning, she took a keen interest in trying to understand exactly what I wanted to get out of the lessons and where I wanted to get to in terms of competency with the language. She thoroughly prepares for each lesson beforehand; lessons are very much interactive and often include references to film and music as well as covering core language concepts. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Olga to anyone looking for a language tutor; she has a real passion for Russian and more importantly for teaching. Whether you are a beginner or a more advanced student, you’ll come away thoroughly engaged in the learning process and with a renewed passion for the language and culture.

  8. Having reached intermediate level it was difficult to progress without conversing in Russian. I contacted Olga and she's been brilliant at selecting topics for discussion that interested me. We've looked at at current affairs, international news, films, songs, cartoons to name a few. She puts in so much preparation to each lesson and has real enthusiasm - as illustrated by this blog! I couldn't recommend her highly enough.

  9. I have a degree in Russian and extensive experience of learning Russian in many different environments. However, I wanted to improve my Russian as I felt it was getting rusty. Olga was a very good teacher who was always well prepared and provided great materials. I would thoroughly recommend her to anyone who wishes to improve their Russian. Her pedagogical approach was professional but also friendly.

    For advanced learners of Russian it can often be difficult to find a teacher who can challenge you enough, and who can help you take your Russian to the next level, but Olga was able to do so.

  10. I have been learning the Ukrainian language from Olha. My reason for learning Ukrainian was to escape the non-existent Scottish summers we've had over the past couple of years and take my holidays in Ukraine instead. I have now been on holiday to Ukraine twice and with even the little I had learned I have been able to buy tickets for overnight trains between the major centres, book hotel rooms, ask directions, order food etc. I certainly haven't gone hungry or got lost while there.

    I would recommend visiting Ukraine (in summer). I would also recommend Olha to help you to learn the Ukrainian language. She is enthusiastic but also knowledgeable about the language and the culture, she includes aspects of Ukrainian history, cuisine, religious life and music into her lessons. She also able to adjust her lessons, to stretch you when you need stretched and to provide revision when you need to consolidate things.

    She is passionate about her home city of Odesa and though initially I hadn't planned to go there, I did visit the mad, eccentric place that is Odesa. There I watched a brilliant performance of Swan Lake at the Opera Theatre, shot an AK47, haggled at the Привоз market and sampled the nightclubs in Аркадия. Not all at the same time mind you.

    If you are planning on going, at least at a minimum, take a couple of lessons to learn the Cyrillic alphabet and a few basic phrases.

  11. Olga is a lovely teacher and really came through for me when I needed some intensive, last-minute tuition. I felt very comfortable with her straight away, which of course was vital when finding the courage to speak Russian!
    In addition to this, it was obvious straight away that Olga wanted to be 100% certain of what I needed covering and she prepared very thoroughly in response to this.
    I'd highly reccommend her and I'm sure I'll be seeing her again soon x
