8 February 2013

Metro / Underground / Tube

A couple of nice videos about undergrounds! This theme may not seem so exciting, but Moscow’s underground is famous for its beautiful stations, while Glasgow’s is the third oldest in the world. My husband found this one about Glasgow from the BBC, which he says is particularly funny at 1:04 if you like stereotypes! :-/

Today is the Day of Russian Science

The best young Russian scientists received awards in the Kremlin.


7 February 2013

Sochi 2014: One year countdown to Winter Olympics start

Taking place in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi, organisers say that not only are preparations on track but that the event will introduce some important "firsts" to the country.

You can read about it on BBC here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21040625

or watch in Russian


6 February 2013

Russian language No. 2 in Czech Republic

In Scotland Russian doesn't seem to be on the curriculum in secondary schools but in Czech Republic it has become the second most popular foreign language (after English of course).

Watch the report below:

5 February 2013

First post on Russian music

Russia and other ex Soviet nations may not have world famous music like Britain and the USA but we do still have a reasonably vibrant music scene, and pop music scene too. One of the well established post Soviet period rock groups is Би-2, originally from Belarus. So, as an introduction to Russian rock, I'm posting a link to their website, and specifically to a comprehensive list of their music videos:


...and here's one of my favourites.

4 February 2013

On this day in 1945 ...

A very significant day for the future of Europe. Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt met to discuss the divisions in Europe after the imminent defeat of Nazi Germany.  Ялтинская конференция.

You can read about it at Russia Today in English http://russiapedia.rt.com/on-this-day/february-4/ on their often interesting page 'on this day ...'

Or video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAtEaL5I2pI

2 February 2013

70th Anniversary of the battle of Stalingrad

2nd February 1943 saw the victory of the Soviet defenders of Stalingrad after over 5 months of fighting and the death of between 1.7 and 2 million people. Today there are commemorations and Putin will visit Volgograd (previously Stalingrad) for a military parade and laying of wreaths at the eternal flame. There are such 'eternal flames' in many cities of the ex soviet union.

You can watch the news here in Russian.

or from the BBC here

You can watch a film about the battle of Stalingrad Горячий снег (Hot snow).